Faith must withstand time. It can’t be a here today and gone tomorrow kind of trust.
21 Stories of Faith: Real People, Real Stories, Real FaithSuccess-minded people know that the greatest enemy to today's success is yesterday's success.
All You Have Is Now: How Your Approach to the World Determines Your DestinyIt is today that tells you if you learned from yesterday, and if tomorrow is possible.
All You Have Is Now: How Your Approach to the World Determines Your DestinyThe more you pray, the more you are stating your desire to live your life by God’s standards.
The Remarkable Prayers of the Bible: Transforming Power for Your Life TodayIt is important not only to read God's Word but to interpret God's world in the light of the Word.
The Reformation Manifesto: Your Part in God's Plan to Change Nations TodayAmbiguity is not, today, a lack of data, but a deluge of data.
The Science of Successful Organizational Change: How Leaders Set Strategy, Change Behavior, and Create an Agile Culture