I could write from anywhere, including the moon, provided I had a pencil and not a pen.
This Book Has No TitleA peaceful wave came over me, and I thought, Thank God I’m holding my breath.
This Book Has No TitleI just stepped in shit, and now I’ve got political rhetoric all over my shoes.
This Book Has No TitleThe only nutritional sustenance I need is praise, flattery, and potassium in the form of bananas.
This Book Has No TitleI would rather build a relationship than a wall. Can you pass me another brick?
This Book Has No TitleI put tin foil on our relationship and stuck it in the fridge, because it needed to cool down a bit.
This Book Has No TitleSecurity shouldn’t enforce, they should massage situations, without laying a hand on a guest.
This Book Has No TitleSexcess—it’s about sex in excess and success all rolled up into one sweaty ball.
This Book Has No TitleRight now I have a milk mustache. I grew it on a cattle ranch, and then glued it to my face.
This Book Has No TitleHis name is Randy Randy (Or is it Randy Randy?), and he probably makes women doubly horny (randy).
This Book Has No Title