The future was with Fate. The present was our own. ~ The Poison Belt
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: 12 TitlesI find the title How to Be Good. Curious, I open it up. I'm disappointed to find it's fiction.
The Kitchen DaughterCoaching 101: First you build the team, and then you build the torture chamber for underperformers.
This Book Has No TitleThe boxer had two black eyes. But that’s to be expected, since he was from Africa.
This Book Has No TitleWere you aware that my sister looks like my brother? They both look nonexistent.
This Book Has No TitleI want to drum up interest for instruments that are played by beating them with sticks.
This Book Has No TitleIf I had chlorophyll instead of blood, I’d have ivy in my IV (not Roman numeral four).
This Book Has No TitleLove will wreck your heart like a derailed train. So choo-choose your partner wisely.
This Book Has No TitleA farm is a business, and I ran mine into the ground. The next year it grew back.
This Book Has No TitleLoyalty is for the dogs. Count me among the cats. And count me twice—once for each of my faces.
This Book Has No TitleSomebody needs to pet me, and I guess that somebody is me. My cat is busy sleeping.
This Book Has No TitleDon’t expect my hand to extend out of her vagina and accept the charity of strangers.
This Book Has No TitleI found love in the arms of another woman. Who needs two legs, a torso, or talking?
This Book Has No TitleMy children don’t even know my name, and it’s no excuse that they haven’t even been born yet.
This Book Has No TitleI hate the phrase “Shit or get off the pot,” because I rarely cook with feces.
This Book Has No TitleI wear a helmet when I write, because if you’re doing it right, writing is dangerous.
This Book Has No Title