Silence is the best answer to the stupid. The fool has his answer on the tip of his tongue.
Saudi ArabianTry your ideas. You might surprise yourself.
Bitten by the Business Bug: Common Sense Tips for Business and Life from a Teen EntrepreneurMake a concise statement clearly and you should only need to say it once.
The 40 Best Business Tips No One's Ever Told YouOn SUCCESS: "Life Rewards the DO-ers and WOW-makers." (TM)
Organized for Success!: 95 Tips for Taking Control of Your Time, Your Space, and Your LifeThe key to happiness is being happy with who you are and enjoying the life you are living.
How to Be Happy in Life: Easy to Use Happiness Tips, Ideas and Strategies to Be HappyPublic speaking skills are an essential key to achieving career advancement and success.
How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking With Easy to Use Ideas, Tips and Strategies