Zachary Beaulieu 15 à 21 ans: Do I look like a fag? Do I talk with a lisp? Strut like a peacock? Psychothérapeute: Nice idea of homosexuals you've got there. They're not all like that. Zachary Beaulieu 15 à 21 ans: They all become that way. Sooner...
Top Dollar: No, I want you to set a fire so goddamn big, the gods'll notice us again, that's what I'm sayin'. I want all of you boys to be able to look me straight in the eye one more time and say: ARE WE HAVING FUN OR WHAT? Hey, you! What's your nam...
Nick Fury: Project Insight has to be delayed. Alexander Pierce: Nick, that's not a favor, that's a sub-committee hearing. A long one. Nick Fury: It could be nothing. It probably is nothing. I just need time to make sure it's nothing. Alexander Pierce...
Lord Victor Quartermaine: I know your little secret, Pesto. I know exactly what's going on. Wallace: Your Lordship... Lord Victor Quartermaine: Oh, yes. You think you can pilfer my filly, don't you? You think you can con an innocent woman out of her ...
Rayon: [looking at picture of Ray's father and sister together] She looks great. I guess I didn't make the cut. Rayon's Father: You made that choice yourself. Rayon: It wasn't a choice, Dad. Rayon's Father: What do you want, Raymond? Rayon: Oh, I'm f...
[At the school assembly speaking out against Jim Cunningham] Donnie: You want your sister to lose weight? Tell her to get off the couch, stop eating Twinkies and maybe go out for field hockey. You know what? No one ever knows what they want to be whe...
Lt. Col. Bill Cage: [while in training] Stop! Wait, wait, wait, wait! Stop! Wait a second, wait a second! I've been thinking... I mean, this thing is in my blood. So maybe there's some way I can transfer it to you. Rita Vrataski: I've tried everythin...
Narrator: Was it ticking? Airport Security Officer: Actually throwers don't worry about ticking 'cause modern bombs don't tick. Narrator: Sorry, throwers? Airport Security Officer: Baggage handlers. But, when a suitcase vibrates, then the throwers go...
Ray Kinsella: By the time I was ten, playing baseball got to be like eating vegetables or taking out the garbage. So when I was 14, I started to refuse. Could you believe that? An American boy refusing to play catch with his father. Terence Mann: Why...
Judge Randolph: [Judge Randolph reading the verdict] Lance Corporal Dawson, Private First Class Downey. [Two defendants rises] Judge Randolph: On the charge of murder, the members find the accused not guilty. On the charge of conspiracy to commit mur...
[Marlin and Dory are racing through the jellyfish forest. Marlin starts talking to himself] Marlin: So, we're cheating death now, that's what we're doing, and we're having fun at the same time, I can do this, just be careful... Dory: Yeah, be careful...
[the constable enters Anatevka] Tevye: Welcome, your honour, what's the good news in the world? Constable: I see you have company. Tevye: [looks at them nervously] They are my friends. Constable: It's just as well. What I have to say is for their ear...
Van Houten: Let's imagine you are racing a tortoise, the tortoise has a 10 yards lead in the start, and the time takes you to run 10 yards, the tortoise's move maybe one yard,so alright, you're faster than the tortoise but you cannot never catch it, ...
[Sunday dinner at the Corleone home... ] Sonny: Niggers havin' a real good time up in Harlem... Carlo Rizzi: I knew that was going to happen as soon as they tasted the big money. Connie: Papa never talked about business in front of the kids. Carlo Ri...
Phil: [talking to a sleeping Rita] I think you're the kindest, sweetest, prettiest person I've ever met in my life. I've never seen anyone that's nicer to people than you are. The first time I saw you... something happened to me. I never told you but...
Sean: Do you like books? Will: Yeah. Sean: [points to wall] Did you read any of these books? Will: I don't know. Sean: [points to shelf] How about any of these books? Will: Probably not. Sean: What about the ones on the top shelf? You read those? Wil...
Commodus: What am I going to do with you? You simply won't... die. Are we so different, you and I? You take life when you have to... as I do. Maximus: I have only one more life to take. Then it is done. Commodus: Then take it now. [Maximus pauses, th...
Chiaki Mamiya: [the teacher Fukushima has arrived late] It's our lucky day Makoto Konno: No, It's my lucky day Chiaki Mamiya: And that, Why? Makoto Konno: [Voice-over] People say that when you have a bad day, nothing will go fine. But that is not for...
Luna Lovegood: Harry, wait, I need to talk to you. Harry Potter: I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment, Luna. Luna Lovegood: You won't find it where you're going, you're wasting your time. Harry Potter: We'll talk later, ok? Luna Lovegood: Harry! Harry...
Johnny Foote: Listen, Celia finally told me about the babies. All of them. But I also know that the minute you started working here, she started getting better. You saved her life. Minny Jackson: You mean, you knew I'd been working here this whole ti...
Dolores Umbridge: [Harry has come in to do his detention] You're going to be doing some lines for me, Mr. Potter. [Potter opens his bag for his quill but Umbridge stops him] Dolores Umbridge: No, not with your quill. You're going to be using a rather...