Florentino Ariza always forgot when he should not have that women, and Prudencia Pitre more than any other, always think about the hidden meanings of questions more than about the questions themselves.
But when a woman decides to sleep with a man, there is no wall she will not scale, no fortress she will not destroy, no moral consideration she will not ignore at its very root: there is no God worth worrying about.
For the first time in his centuries of life, doing the right thing didn’t seem like the right thing to do.
My God, rich people have the time to praise You if they want to, but the poor people are so busy, accept their work as praise because, my God, they don’t have time for everything.
They talk about big skies in the western United States, and they may indeed have them, but you have never seen such lofty clouds, such towering anvils, as in Iowa in July.
God, with a wisdom I can't claim to understand, called you home a long time ago, and the tears I shed that night have never seemed to dry.
When I was alive, I mean the first time, Mussolini was in charge. We were at war.” “Mussolini?” Leo frowned. “Wasn’t he like BFFs with Hitler?
When every single piece of media you consume is time-shifted, does that mean it's actually you that's time-shifted?
When every single piece of media you consume is time-stamped, does that mean it's actually you that's time shifted?
History didn’t always predict the future. You had to live it one day at a time to find out what happened next.
Before the autumn of our years, there exists a time when we struggle to reconcile what we are with what we wish to be. This time can be known as summer. After spring gives us life, before winter takes it away.
For the first six months, all whe wanted was honest labor, finely crafted novels, and surf.
oh life to live, life already lived, time that comes back in a swell of sea, time that recedes without turning its head, the past is not past, it is still passing by, flowing silently into the next vanishing moment
I heard this when I was in the Air Force: “There’s never enough time to do the job right, but always enough time to do it over.
The shortest distance between two points is a time line, a schedule, a map of your time, the itinerary for the rest of your life. Nothing shows you the straight line from here to death like a list.
You tasted like fire And I miss that. So, at times I drank a little. And at times, I drank too much. But I only drank Till it burned me enough.
It’s hard to wear a Speedo and pose with an erection. Still, I’ve got to try, every Saturday from 9 am to 8:59 pm.
If I ever get a 20-dollar bill, I like to convert it into 20 singles, because women like guys with lots of money.
Of all the things I own, I’m most sentimental about my shoes, because they’ve traveled with me every step of my journey.
I always wear gloves, so at any moment I could commit a crime and not be worried about fingerprints. Plus, it saves on buying hand sanitizer.
Wisdom is knowledge plus courage. You not only have to know what to do and when—but you have to be brave enough to actually act on it.