I think the first time I ever wore a tuxedo was when I played at the Talk Of The Town in 1967, because it was a nightclub and that was the thing to do.
No, there will come a time where I'm not gonna do this anymore. I mean, there will come a time, definitely, where I'll turn into Elvis - I'm gonna be fat and fishin', I guarantee you.
Every study on crime and or firearms proves time and time again, that 99.99999% of American gun owners do not commit crimes or use our firearms in any dangerous or improper way.
I didn't spend a lot of time with prison guards, but my father was an assistant district attorney for a long time so I was always hearing stories about prisoners and prison guards.
The first time that I was elected I was called the Judas Iscariot of the black community because I took a stand that was inconsistent of cutting across the grain.
For the first time perhaps since Margaret Thatcher, we will have at the head of the Conservative Party someone who is genuinely an equal match for Tony Blair.
I act because it's the one time I'm sure of my identity. There's no doubt. It's on paper.
I'm gonna wait for Mr. Right to come along and take my time. I'm just enjoying just having a little me time, you know? But it's not that I'm not taking applications.
It is exciting to write about the present once one gets beyond the trivia of the moment. As a time to live in, as a time to think about, the present is intriguing.
Well, it's taken a long time to get the Department of Homeland Security established. It's taken a long time for the Congress to decide how much it wanted to fund.
The wonderful thing about being a New York Times columnist is that it's like a Supreme Court appointment - they're stuck with you for a long time.
I like to say, 'I spend one-third of my time in Nigeria, one-third in Europe or America, and one-third on a plane.'
Donnie: Where did you come from? Frank: Do you believe in time travel?
Brandt: Mind the uniform Cleric. [unsheathes a katana] Brandt: I plan to be wearing it for a long time.
Elwood P. Dowd: I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with.
Hooper: I'm not going to waste my time arguing with a man who's lining up to be a hot lunch.
Larry Gomez: Let's go to the calendar! It's calendar time! Calendar time for Buddy!
Bhuvan: Whether you support me or not, Kachra will play.
Abe: This time travel crap, just fries your brain like a egg...
[first lines] Dan: Hey buddy, you don't waste time, do you?
Harmonica: When you hear a strange sound, drop to the ground.