Roger Rabbit: Yeah. Check the probate. Why, my Uncle Thumper had a problem with HIS probate, and he had to take these big pills, and drink lots of water. Eddie Valiant: Not prostate, you idiot, PROBATE!
Jessica Rabbit: Roger, darling. I want you to know I love you. I've loved you more than any woman's ever loved a rabbit.
Benny the Cab: [seeing two cars in each lane blocking his path] Will you look at these two? [swerves past and between them] Benny the Cab: Excuse me, ladies! Now that's what I call a couple of roadhogs.
Eddie Valiant: Dolores, you need to find yourself a good man. Dolores: But I already have a good man. [they are about to kiss when Roger sighs - they turn to him] Roger Rabbit: P-p-please, don't mind me.
Dolores: Do you wanna tell me what she was doing with her arms around you? Eddie Valiant: Probably looking for a good place to stick a knife! Dolores: Come on, Eddie! I caught you with your pants down!
Roger Rabbit: Jeepers, Eddie. That was swell. You saved my life. How can I ever repay ya? [kisses Eddie, Eddie pulls away] Eddie Valiant: For starters, don't ever kiss me again.
Eddie Valiant: Nobody's gonna drive this lousy freeway when they can take the Red Car for a nickel. Judge Doom: Oh, they'll drive. They'll have to. You see, I bought the Red Car so I could dismantle it.
Dolores: I thought you said you'd never take another toon case. What did you have a change of heart? Eddie Valiant: Nothing's changed. Somebody's made a patsy outta me and I'm gonna find out why!
Our kids need us to be the dad, not a fun single uncle. When you can replace your 007 poster with a framed portrait of Grandma, your kids will experience an underlying sense of being at home when they are with you—whether for a weekend, a summer, o...
What I find most satisfying about photography is the way in which it allows me to document 'reality' while at the same time creating my own version thereof; in other words, the reality I present is a reality based upon what I choose to include in the...
The wonderful thing about 48 fps is the integration of live action and CG elements; that is something I learned from 'The Hobbit.' We are so used to 24 fps and the romance of celluloid... but at 48 fps, you cannot deny the existence of these CG creat...
We don't know yet how to build a society which is environmentally sustainable, which is shareable with everybody on the planet, which promotes stability and democracy and human rights, and which is achievable in the time-frame necessary to make it th...
Truth for anyone is a very complex thing. For a writer, what you leave out says as much as those things you include. What lies beyond the margin of the text? The photographer frames the shot; writers frame their world.
It's almost a very rough rule of thumb: when Democrats are able to successfully frame the meaning of an election season around middle-class fears, Democrats win the election; when Republicans are able to successfully frame the meaning of an election ...
[first lines] Mrs. Herman: Mommy's going to the beauty parlor, darling, but I'm leaving you with your favorite friend, Roger. He's going to take very, very good care of you, because if he doesn't... HE'S GOING BACK TO THE SCIENCE LAB.
R.K. Maroon: Kinda jumpy, aren't you, Mr. Valiant? It's just Dumbo. Eddie Valiant: I KNOW who it is. R.K. Maroon: I got him on loan from Disney - him and half the cast of Fantasia. The best part is, they work for peanuts.
I quickly realized that this medium had a lot to offer someone like me. To do Disney-quality hand-drawn cartoons, you have to be a master of two art forms. Seriously, you have to be able to draw like a Leonardo da Vinci or a Michelangelo. But also yo...
I think most things I read on the Internet and in newspapers are propaganda. Everyone from the 'New York Times' to Rupert Murdoch has a point of view and is putting forth their own propaganda. They're stuck with the facts as they are, but the way the...
A framed photo on a dusty bookshelf caught his attention; he moved closer and picked it up silently. A small girl with long blond hair was standing under a tree, her face tilted up in delight as its feathery leaves brushed across her face, framing it...
I've never been somebody who wanted to read a book and then see it enacted in front of me. When I read 'Harry Potter,' I don't want to then go and see 'Harry Potter' shot frame to frame. I don't understand the point of it. Honestly, I would much rath...
You tend to compose things more in the middle of frame in 3-D than you would in a conventional frame. You can really see composition in 2-D but in 3-D your composition is much more complex. Everything has to be artificially enhanced. But you do gain ...