She’ll find you. Her need to know you will eventually consume her.
Consumers online expect dialogue, so pairing your brand with relevant and passion-driven topics is one of the best ways to ensure that you are engaged with key audiences.
There are growing concerns that oil companies are making too much in profits at the expense of consumers.
Every man is a consumer, and ought to be a producer. He is by constitution expensive, and needs to be rich.
Consuming the content and culture of creatives does not make one a creative. Creating makes a creative.
I've been through so much of my own self-search that I'm not as consumed with who I am as I used to be.
There's an absolute surety to the hands-on conservation lifestyle of hunting, fishing and trapping where you know you're going to consume today.
It's much easier to consume the visual image than to read something.
Before solar, before Sunrun, if consumers wanted electricity, there was a monopoly of someone who told you how much it costs.
In our rich consumers' civilization we spin cocoons around ourselves and get possessed by our possessions.
The corporate lobby in Washington is basically designed to stifle all legislative activity on behalf of consumers.
You are what resides before, beyond and between what you think so do not be consumed by thought. It is only a fragment of your magic.
The value of an item - in the mind of a consumer - is simply the difference between the anticipated price and the price on the tag.
You can't really call yourself an environmentalist if you're still consuming animals. You just can't.
Obviously we're a consumer nation and you have the power to influence these big corporations who are running the world right now through what you chose to, or not to, purchase.
IE6 was a bad experience for consumers, but it was a terrible for developers. Not only it was technically bad, but it was closed, and you couldn't do much with it.
The whole action of the laws tended to increase the number of consumers of food and to diminish the number of producers, was due the invention of the Malthusian theory of population.
Europe believes that providing clear labelling for genetically modified food is a consumer right, but such practice is absolutely opposed by the vast majority of states in the U.S.
It is within your power at this very moment not only to consumate an act of enlightened statesmanship, but, as the instrument of the Almighty, to restore to freedom a race of men.
Many consumer Internet business executives are loyalists of the Lifetime Value model, often referred to as the LTV model or formula. Lifetime value is the net present value of the profit stream of a customer.
And, in the past, it has been all too easy for legislators to load costs onto business in order to meet broader social goals. And costs for business means costs for consumers.