We are lost, but we're making good time.
I like part-time jobs in restaurants.
Time and clock time are two different things.
Time is doubt, and life without time is nothing but death.
Yesterday is but time's memory, and tomorrow is time's dream.
It takes a long time to become human.
Time is the very first thing. Time first.
There's no such thing as spacetime; there's only time.
All of life is a dispute over time and timing.
I want to be like time. I want to travel through time.
My life is my time theory.
The grace of silence-enduring hard times.
Draw, Antonio; draw, Antonio; draw and don’t waste time.
Hope wins over experience every time.
It took me a long time to be alright with smiling onstage.
Exile is not a time frame. Exile is an experience. It's a sentiment.
I discovered freedom for the first time in England.
I have English family in Northhampton and have been to England numerous times.
It's a good time to be in the content business though, the branded content business.
While I enjoy spending time in L.A., Britain is my home.
To give Tinker Bell a voice for the first time in history is such an honor.