At least is was a victory and at least we won.
The main factors in terms of how tiring a season can be are governed by the number of races and the length of time between the first and the last.
Half the time I don't even think about it, I just throw something on because I'm so late or so busy.
Everybody makes mistakes, but when goalkeepers make them, it is costly. That's the nature of being a goalkeeper.
There is a syndrome in sports called 'paralysis by analysis.'
In sports, teams win and individuals don't.
I was focused on athletics, outdoors, sports.
Few activities are as delightful as learning new vocabulary.
I am the best in baseball.
I just skated for the fun of it.
In football, you're like brothers.
The whole Kardashian family, they have a bunch of energy.
It is a depressing business talking to journalist.
My dad doesn't hug me enough!
It was great to play with some of my old linemates.
Tim Lewis is great, he's a great coordinator.
You are only as good as your team.
First, I prepare. Then I have faith.
Leadership is something I was born with.
Our athletes are our heroes.
I just like to act.