The young need discipline and a full bookcase.
I was always unusual-looking; I wouldn't say beautiful.
I'm not in the type of work where you should rest.
Tim also has enough confidence so that it always looks like a Tim Burton film, but it really is collaborative. You're allowed to do it your way but of course he's always going to choose his way.
The PC is successful because we're all benefiting from the competition with each other. If Twitter comes along, our games benefit. If Nvidia makes better graphics technology, all the games are going to shine. If we come out with a better game, people...
I like to think about machines and technology in relation to landscape and architecture.
For Tim Burton's birthday I gave him a rainbow beetle. He loved it!
We like to believe our fashion is growing.
Despite the forecast, live like it's spring.
Paris is paramount for fashion, always was - always will be.
I do think one should have clean feet.
I've been a printmaker and designed objects. I've done 500 posters.
My apartment looks like no one lives in it.
Americans are always a little bit insecure.
Creative people are notoriously the slowest to adopt new technology.
Fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of imprisonment.
You know that's history, that's why some people say that my stuff is retro, but I don't agree.
The history of the white man in India really jumped up and bit me in the neck.
I began to feel that, in a sense, we were all prisoners of our own history.
The past actually happened but history is only what someone wrote down.
My life style in a sense is kind of private.