Se uno vuole farsi fuori, come si fa a impedirglielo? A me vogliono farmi fuori in tanti, ma non mi hanno tolto la voglia di vivere.
But I don't know how I'll ever get a college degree and rise in the world with no high school diploma and eyes like piss holes in the snow, as everyone tells me.
On the Brevity of Our Ties Ties in this world last only for a time. We are husband and wife, parent and child, for a short period only. Once this reality sinks in, we cannot help treasuring each moment of our brief association.
After I had this idea to be Bill Nye the Science Guy, I wore straight ties the first couple times, and then I got this thing going and I started wearing bow ties.
I love the pictures of Old Hollywood, seeing the directors dressed in suits and ties. Even the grips would be wearing ties. But the biggest thing is when I was a kid, I couldn't wait to be an adult, and I think what happens with most guys is that no ...
A volte leggi un libro e ti riempie di uno strano zelo evangelico che ti convince che il mondo frantumato che ti circonda non potrà mai ricomporsi a meno che, o fino a quando, tutti gli esseri umani non avranno letto quel libro. E poi ci sono libri ...
What I know about my country is that when America is challenged, we rise to the occasion. When we’re fearful, we become divided. When we’re courageous and have good leadership, we unite.
I curled my lip at the sight of sizzling human hair and skin clinging to my demon flesh. Damn, I’d have given anything to be back in Boston, sipping chai tea latte." ~ Muse, Ties That Bind, #5 The Veil Series.
As long as we're tied to Middle Eastern oil we're tied to Middle Eastern politics. We're hostages to the terrorists and nutcases who want to wipe out Israel and the United States because we support Israel.
I don't want to be tied down in a relationship, I want to be tied down during sex.
I personaggi, le frasi e le parole trovate nei libri sono come ponti che ti permettono di spostarti da dove sei verso dove vuoi andare, e quasi sempre è un ponte che unisce il tuo vecchio io a quello nuovo che ti attende
Yong is the outer manifestation of something. Ti is the underlying essence. Technology is a yong associated with a particular ti that is ... Western, and completely alien to us [the Chinese]. For centuries, since the time of the Opium Wars, we have s...
Só o teu amor é o inimigo. Ti es ti, aínda que sexas un Montesco. ¿Que é un Montesco? Non é man, nin pé, nin brazo, nin cara, nin parte ningunha do corpo. ¡Cambia o nome! ¿Que é un nome? O que chamamos rosa, con outro nome tería o mesmo re...
Aproveita a vida enquanto ela é vida dentro de ti. Aproveita o teu corpo enquanto és tu que lá moras. Aproveita. Primeiro tens mais espírito do que corpo e há dentro de ti uma convulsão de ideias, uma agitação insolorida de projectos, resolu�...
It is sad to see a woman sacrificing the ties of the affections even to do good.
And what after all, is death?? 'Tis but a cessation from mortal life; 'tis but the finishing of an appointed course; the refreshing inn after a fatiguing journey; the end of a life of cares and troubles; and, if happy, the beginning of a life of immo...
No puedo pensar en ti con otra persona, Eva. La simple idea de que otro hombre te vea como lo hago yo, viéndote así... colocando sus manos sobre ti...
Romeo: Courage, man; the hurt cannot be much. Mercutio: No, 'tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church-door; but 'tis enough, 'twill serve. Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man.
Quando hai un problema fermati, fermati, fermati. Ascoltalo e cerca di trovare la risposta dentro di te. Perchè c'è. Dentro di te c'è qualcosa che ti tiene insieme, che ti aiuta, c'è una vocina. Ascoltala.
This made my father laugh. 'Mary made a cake, did she? Well, well. Better that than she should make a cake for herself, I suppose.' Peter then burst out: 'Why must you always be making a game of Mary? 'Tis not fair; 'tis not sporting.
Y mientras gesticulas, con tu capa, tu bastón, intento exponer ante ti un secreto que nadie conoce: estoy pidiéndote (en pie detrás de ti) que tomes mi vida entre tus manos y me digas si estoy condenado a inspirar repulsión en aquellos a quienes ...