Woolworths Manager: [to Ulysees after he's thrown out of Woolworths] Stay out of Woolworths!
[after Lina gets a pie thrown in her face] Cosmo Brown: Lina, You've never looked lovelier.
American society is a sort of flat, fresh-water pond which absorbs silently, without reaction, anything which is thrown into it.
I went to a Catholic high school and it seemed like every time I drew something for a class project, it either got thrown away by the teacher or something.
Jarvis: [Thor has just thrown a thunderbolt on Iron Man] Power to four-hundred percent capacity. Tony Stark: How about that?
I see myself as part English and part American, with a dash of Irish thrown in, and a pinch of Italian from my mother's ancestry.
And when I met Cecil Taylor it was a complete transformation of musical identities. All the tenets that I had grown up with were thrown out the window.
What winning is to me is not giving up, is no matter what's thrown at me, I can take it. And I can keep going.
Real arms races are run by highly intelligent, bespectacled engineers in glass offices thoughtfully designing shiny weapons on modern computers. But there's no thinking in the mud and cold of nature's trenches. At best, weapons thrown together amidst...
Stacey: "I'm surprised you haven't thrown me out." Comfort: "At your current weight, I'd need some sort of catapult.
If she had looked into his eyes at that very moment she would have seen the inferno that she had thrown him into.
People who start a sentence with personally (and they're always women) ought to be thrown to the lions. It's a repulsive habit.
The sky is already purple; the first few stars have appeared, suddenly, as if someone had thrown a handful of silver across the edge of the world.
Really, some cases shouldn’t even smell the court room. Screw Habaeus Corpus, lock up the criminal and have the keys thrown away.
A man has the strength to face what he is thrown in life. If he falls or is beaten, he does not complain but gets up and rides in to face the challenge once more.
A brick could be thrown, like a football, only instead of a wide receiver, I’d recommend sending out a politician to catch your pass.
I found at an early age the times when I learned the most about myself was when I got thrown out there on a stage in front of a microphone when you didn't really want to be out there, where you're kind of afraid.
To establish yourself as a leading man, you're shooting for the smallest point on the target, and you get a lot of judgment thrown at you. It takes a lot for them to get past everything and just watch your art and what you're doing.
Frankly, with HBO and Showtime and cable shows, the DVD box sets and all, you can have a product that doesn't make you feel like as soon as it's projected, it's thrown away. It's really a piece of art.
Principled hate is a hell of a lot stronger than "Boy, I wish you hadn't mummified me and thrown me into the lake" hate.
They were shot with a shotgun and put in garbage bags and thrown under a bridge," Shrake said. "If it wasn't murder, it was a really weird accident.