The only way round is through.
Chaos is complexity viewed through a reductionist filter.
It's about putting in the hours and going through the paces.
I converse with my dog through ESP.
I went through bits of the 60s and thought myself a bit of a hippy.
Enjoy going through life as yourself.
teach us equality through empathy
We all go through times when we need help.
We put ourselves through hell and that is hell.
The best way out of a difficulty is through it.
To communicate through silence is a link between the thoughts of man.
Freedom can occur only through education.
My future daughter is not going to go through what I did.
I like to tell stories through dancing and singing.
Stereotypes do exist, but we have to walk through them.
I came to Broadway through Indiana University.
I learn my world through writing.
We see God through the eyes of faith
I've lived through a lifetime of crises and survived.
Bring the army of the faithful through.
I would run through brick walls for Spurs.