Every time my dreams threaten to become reality, something always happens and I end up alone.
If you feel irritated or threatened by others' beliefs, it's a sign that you're experiencing crisis of confidence.
When your own life is threatened, your sense of empathy is blunted by a terrible, selfish hunger for survival.
Not the way he looks, but specifically the way he looks at me threatens my inhibitions. It’s all greedy yearning.
To feel nervous; to feel threatened and vulnerable and alive and engaged in that sense when interacting with someone you're really attracted to? I think that's wonderful. That's usually the best part. In fact, it's almost always downhill from there.
Years ago a friend and fellow writer, Nick Antosca, once made a remark about it being best not to threaten, but to simply act. An effective way of going about things, I think.
You want to change? Lose the bitch. Be nicer to people. Stop telling them to "bite you" and threatening to kick them until they're dead.
Often, city fathers blamed prostitutes for the disease, and some threatened to brand their cheeks with hot iron if they did not desist from their vices.
True disruption means threatening your existing product line and your past investments. Breakthrough products disrupt current lines of businesses.
Insurgents throughout Iraq continue to threaten our efforts and pose a danger to stability in the region. They fight not for their country, but rather against ours.
Today, even small entities that trade complex instruments or are granted sufficient leverage can threaten the global financial system.
I think it is wrong that we went against The U.N. and that we have alienated our allies and invaded a country that hasn't threatened us, that it is a pre-emptive strike.
The privatization plan weakens Social Security and threatens our economic security by creating trillions of dollars in new debt.
We were signed to a label that wanted us to remain little girls who appealed to other little girls, who were cute and non-threatening.
Iran is the only country in the world that's threatening to erase another country from the map as part of a collective genocide.
It is the job of our military to protect America and to hunt down and kill those who would threaten to murder Americans.
We did some jumping at the start of the show. We went out without telling anyone - and the studio liked to kill us. They were threatened with cancellation of their production insurance.
I got a dog with a Napoleon complex. I have a Napoleon complex. We're small. Anything big that we feel is threatening us, we want to fight. We're not a pushover.
People are only mean when they're threatened, and that's what our culture does. That's what our economy does.
When you have a life-threatening illness like cancer, and you're faced with the alternative, it gives doing whatever it is you do a much sweeter taste.
It's important for a villain to be as threatening as possible, whether physically, mentally or emotionally... however you want to do it. If you can combine all three, well, that's the ultimate villain.