The encouragement I got from Campbell was a quick check and praise. Once the Space Beagle was launched on its mission, it seemed natural for it to breed additional thoughts.
Whatever experiences we may come across in our spiritual journey we are not any of those experiences but rather the one who is witnessing them, the pure awareness cognizing them without thought.
It will be thought that I am acting strangely in concerning myself at this day with what appears at first sight and simply a well-known method of fortune-telling.
I can only assume that your editorial writer tripped over the First Amendment and thought it was the office cat.
I was a 'Big Brother' fan. I thought they were better musicians than their detractors claimed, but more to the point, technical accomplishment was not something I cared about.
The experience of returning to the blank page and having nothing in the drawer was intensely painful. I just thought, I never want that to happen again.
we may experience an absolute positive change and do the undone if we shift our thoughts from descriptive thinking to prescriptive thinking
What troubles us much, is of less importance to what troubles us much that invokes our thought, heart, spirit and body to dare to a live distinctive footprint on earth
There is one confrontation scene toward the end of the picture. In the middle of the scene, I thought, That's Sean Connery! I don't know how else to describe Sean Connery. I still feel that way.
I was raised as a Catholic, but I didn't like the Catholic Church at all. I thought the nuns were mean.
And I'm ill with the thought of your kiss, coffee-laced intoxicating on her lips... shut it out, I've got no claim on you now, I'm not allowed to wear you freedom down
I'm very excited that I can get on a skateboard and skateboard down the street now. That was something I never thought I'd be able to do. I conquered my fears.
I said I thought female labour of the sort exacted from these slaves, and corporal chastisement such as they endure, must be abhorrent to any manly or humane man.
Original thought is like original sin: both happened before you were born to people you could not have possibly met.
If we follow the traditional way of thought, there will always be traditional enemies. Extremist circles from both sides will find causes to give rise to problems.
Writers whose thoughts are expressed with clarity and precision are assumed by readers to be superficial. Where the meaning is obscured, then readers give more attention and consider the fruit of their labour more valuable
There should be no bitterness or hate where the sole thought is the welfare of the United States of America. No man can occupy the office of President without realizing that he is President of all the people.
Each generation of the church in each setting has the responsibility of communicating the gospel in understandable terms, considering the language and thought-forms of that setting.
I wrote speculative fiction because I loved to read it, and thought I could do better than some of the people who were getting published.
So long as I confine my thoughts to my own ideas divested of words, I do not see how I can be easily mistaken.
A decision made in anger, however it was rationalized, was poisoned with bias from its origins. The very fact that I had thought of the option wrathfully rendered it unusable.