I thought I would be a guy on the radio.
I find it soothing, the thought of a movie theater.
Love frees my thoughts and deeds.
Lead the audience by the nose to the thought.
For awhile, I thought that was love. -Gaara
I always thought I was so fit.
Words are clothes that thoughts wear
A mind is not weighed by its magnitude, but by the dimensions of its thoughts.
Peace is not a thought, not a concept; it is a nonverbal experience.
The worst thing in this business is to be thought of as a no-talent.
Courage is the fear of being thought a coward.
Nobody thought I would be a great coach.
I never thought I was good enough actually to write.
Books are funny little portable pieces of thought.
Comedy writing is taking the brief thought and going with it.
The Thought Police: To censor and protect.
My first thought is always of light.
Language is froth on the surface of thought.
I never thought about being an actor.
I loved 'The Artist.' I thought it was fantastic.
The virtues of science are skepticism and independence of thought.