In asking philosophical questions, we use a reason shaped by the body, a cognitive unconscious to which we have no direct access, and metaphorical thought of which we are largely unaware. The fact that abstract thought is mostly metaphorical means th...
One of my greatest difficulties in consenting to think of religion was that I thought I should have to give up my beautiful thoughts and my love for the things God has made. But I find that the happiness springing from all things not in themselves si...
no song no picture or words will make you love me ,, may be you will never know ,, or may be you knew and felt sorry for me or thought it was sweet ,,but nothing will make me more than just a passing thought or a name you try to put for a face ,,,for...
Hawaii's the 50th state? I thought it was a suburb of Guam.
Each loss brings growth with it, and learning to handle new experiences and taking charge of your needs is part of the transformative process.
Many of the most profound discoveries were reported to have come through intuition rather than sequential analysis processed by linguistic understanding.
Don’t lose yourself in the process of caring for others. Don’t overdo it as if you don’t need any care to give to yourself. It’s true, you are special too!
I started the business with a simple question: How can we make the process of buying a computer better? The answer was: Sell computers directly to the end customer. Eliminate the reseller's markup and pass those savings on to the customer.
If (or rather when) you move to death, you’ll learn its language through the educational process known as total immersion. (7)
Pivoting is not the end of the disruption process, but the beginning of the next leg of your journey.
The shared meal elevates eating from a mechanical process of fueling the body to a ritual of family and community, from the mere animal biology to an act of culture.
One bulb at a time. There was no other way to do it. No shortcuts--simply loving the slow process of planting. Loving the work as it unfolded. Loving an achievement that grew slowly and bloomed for only three weeks each year.
I almost forgot to tell you - you have the right to remain silent, but if you do, my boys at the station will process your bones to help you confess.
It is in the nature of helping and counselling to be a process moving towards something rather than arriving at a state of completion.
The criminalization of a non-custodial in not uncommon; such extreme measures of the divorce and post-divorce process can be described as common practice. Stephen Baskerville describes this consequence of no-fault in the article, “Divorced from Rea...
All living relationships are in process of change, of expansion, and must perpetually be building themselves new forms. But there is no single fixed form to express such a changing relationship.
we hurt each other, when we destroy & kill by words or deeds. When we deface the spirit of humanity-we destroy ourselves in the process!
A blanket could be used to help frowners smile. I’m only halfway through the process myself, which is why I’m smirking.
Happiness is the consciousness of growth. [...] If my definition has validity, it suggests that most people come to therapy because they sense their growth has been arrested. Certainly many patients look to therapy to reinstitute the growth process. ...
The process of breaking down fear was always my greatest challenge and it was made easier by the careful work and gentle voices of my female workers.
I am told many children block out the memory of trauma. In fact, the healing process can only truly begin when we are willing to remember.