As citizens of a free society, we have a duty to look critically at our world. But if we think we know what is wrong, we must act upon that knowledge.
But because many endeavor to get knowledge rather than to live well, they are often deceived and reap little or no benefit from their labor.
From all this it follows what the general character of the problem of the development of a body of scientific knowledge is, in so far as it depends on elements internal to science itself.
They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
In chess, knowledge is a very transient thing. It changes so fast that even a single mouse-slip sometimes changes the evaluation.
To attempt this would be like seeing without eyes or directing the gaze of knowledge behind one's own eye. Modern science can acknowledge no other than this epistemological stand-point.
Aging is an inevitable process. I surely wouldn't want to grow younger. The older you become, the more you know; your bank account of knowledge is much richer.
Knowledge about life is one thing; effective occupation of a place in life, with its dynamic currents passing through your being, is another.
The teaching thing, the one where I have to impart my knowledge, is probably what comes the least naturally to me because I'm an absorber of things.
The road to knowledge has no definite end to it. It keeps on going for however long your stay on earth is.
In 1969 I published a small book on Humility. It was a pioneering work which has not, to my knowledge, been superceded.
Knowledge refined from experience becomes a weight upon wisdom when its driving purpose is solely selfish.
Whoever gives knowledge to a fool loses it And who keeps it from the deserving does wrong.
A responsible woman guides, controls (albeit subtly), directs with superior knowledge that is higher than that of her contemporaries!
A critic must be knowledgeable in several fields, practices, and mediums. Brushing off art that they personally don't understand, is not a critique.
Fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge. Only Fools despise wisdom and discipline." Proverbs 1:7 NLT
A world without esoteric knowledge is a poorer place and we as a humanity pay the price for the loss of its principles.
Pride rises above and against the knowledge of God, acting as if He is unworthy to be retained in our thoughts.
I am not trying to teach you anything but trying to ignite the fire of curiosity for knowledge and wisdom.
The road of life’s twists and turns give wisdom; reading books and schooling give you knowledge.
I had no knowledge of divine help, and all the world lost faith in gradual progress.