A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.
Wine is bottled poetry"- from The Night Circus
Swinging first and swinging to kill is all that matters now.
Todos estamos tan llenos de retratos interiores, tan llenos de paisajes no vividos.
Bullies are just frightened people.
Whether animals admit it or not, they and I communicate.
The divine is always abominable. "Houses Under The Sea
Hitler is the human catch-all for all other terrible humans.
I'm not Chinese. I thrive in interesting times.
Witchery is merely a word for what we are all capable of.
They saw a Dream of Loveliness descending from the train.
I've generally got low levels of embarrassment.
Literature is for the sake of humanity.
I like to provoke. I'm very French.
Fashion's about extravagance, and everyone needs a bit of that.
What is chic is just to be perfect, like magical, no?
Working for a magazine, you have a boss; you are not free.
My hair and make-up secret is 'the messier the better.'
There are too many 50-year-olds dressing as 20-year-olds.
French 'Vogue' was always a photographer's magazine.
I never think I have to prove something.