Fidelity to the subject's thought and to his characteristic way of expressing himself is the sine qua non of journalistic quotation.
Eroticism bubbles beneath the surface of every vampire story, but Anne Rice is a writer to make the pot boil.
You think you choose the subjects of your books. But sometimes, in ways you don't know, the books choose you.
In all emotional conflicts, the thing you find the most difficult to do, is the thing that you should do." --Meyer's Law
Writing provides no guarantees. And writers who stay with writing do it for reasons that are larger than self.
Writing fiction feels like an adventurous act, nudging aside reality a word at a time.
The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once.
Americans have always been able to handle austerity and even adversity. Prosperity is what is doing us in.
In foreign policy you have to wait twenty-five years to see how it comes out.
We are, in many respects, in a moral and spiritual free-fall in our country, and we are paying a terrible price.
Under the right circumstances, groups are remarkably smart - smarter even sometimes than the smartest people in them.
Developing countries often have hypertrophied bureaucracies, requiring businesses to deal with enormous amounts of red tape.
We assume that good-looking people are smarter and more effective than they really are, and that homely people are the reverse.
What the investment community does like is short-term measures designed to boost share prices.
A long-term crisis, after a certain point, no longer seems like a crisis. It seems like the way things are.
Walking into a room filled with people you don't know but who know you brings out your worst vulnerabilities.
The idea of stardom was difficult to grasp. It was like being schizophrenic; there was her, the woman on television, and the real me.
Our free enterprise system of disseminating information is collectively referred to as The Media. But there is no collective.
How wonderful it would be to scatter words as they rise to consciousness, to let them lie where they fall.
Not watching TV gets me in a lot of trouble in my household because my wife and daughter have a lot of shows they like to watch.
I grew up in southern California in the '80s. Yes, I am a walking cliche.