I think the worst thing you can do about a situation is nothing.
I think there is nothing sexier than laughter lines.
Like, radio is closer to a Tumblr, or a blog, or Twitter, than it is to television, I think.
Is Naked Juice a beverage, or is it a snack? I think we can liquefy snacks or snackify liquids.
It's my job, but I think it is too much.
I think you miss out on a lot of stuff when you're so protected and isolated.
I think Kandinsky and I were very near friends.
I think that everything I do tends to root for the underdog.
I think there is an extreme charm in the French, and actually it's their bolshiness that makes them such fun.
I think that, ah, I'm a very goofy sort of person in many ways.
I think there are going to be a bunch of tablet-like devices. It's really a different product category.
I think I could drink my own blood. Is that weird?
I think the play on words for 'Punky' Brewster has definitely played itself out.
I think of myself as being Jewish and Irish, despite the fact that I'm English.
I think I am basically a happy person.
I think honesty is the most heroic quality one can aspire to.
I think I've had my fill of electoral law.
I think the 'South Park' guys are brilliant.
But I think that I'm just a normal girl, you know.
I think people always respond to real moments.
I think when it comes to Botox and surgery, actresses should do it or not do it, but be honest about their choices.