I don't think having a My Chemical Romance action figure will make a kid start his own band, I like to think it will make him save children from a burning building.
Chant to him: “An individual thinks for himself.” Then roll that around in his head till it means: “If I didn’t think of it, it has no bearing on my life.
I don't think I'm unlike a lot of people. I am just someone who is trying to find that mate, and I think it's a really hard thing to do.
I'm really boring, man. Like, I'm really dull. And I think people may think that I have this glamorous, fun lifestyle, but it's pretty dull. But that's what I like.
I think for anybody reading the book they're going to get an idea in their heads of all those characters, and I think that once that gets fixed, it's quite hard to shake.
Actually, I think the average voice is like 70 percent tone and 30 percent noise. My voice is 95 percent noise.
I have very strong theories about magazine publishing. And I think that it is the most personal form of journalism. And I think that a magazine is an old friend.
If you think the system - not you - but if your viewers think that the current political system is working well and serving the interest of our country, then what we're doing will not be attractive.
I enjoy thinking myself into other times and places. I don't like some of the conventions of the 'historical novel', but I think there's a way of doing it that has a lot of merit.
When I try to understand somebody, create a character, I fall into them. When I think writers are telling me what to think, I get harrumphy.
I'm someone, the same as my girlfriends, when they say what do you think about this, I don't always say they look fabulous. I say what I think.
I just think, you know, when we talk about a politician, I think a person has to be themselves. Let the voters see the real you.
There are lots of stories about my culture that I think bring a whole other perspective to who we are and where we have been and how we got here that I think need to be done.
I think that Africa has made quite rapid progress and a lot of the conflicts that we saw on the continent have abated.
I really think people should live to be 100 years old pretty much disease-free. I think that's our genetic potential.
If I thought of myself as a movie star, I'd be an idiot. I don't know anyone who thinks like that. I don't even know movie stars who think like that.
I think people took Grenada for what it turned out to be, which was a very specific incident and from which one couldn't necessarily make a lot of generalizations.
Everyone thinks you make mistakes when you're young. But I don't think we make any fewer when we're grown up
They just think I'm a white dude. Every once in a while someone thinks I'm Jewish. I get a lot of stuff, but never Latino.
Ideally citizens are to think of themselves as if they were legislators and ask themselves what statutes, supported by what reasons satisfying the criterion of reciprocity, they would think is most reasonable to enact.
Everything I write is highly personal, but put in such a way that it's not dropping everything in someone's lap. Although sometimes I think 'The Taxi Ride' embarrasses me, because sometimes I think it's too close.