I never dreamed I could build a $100 million company. I just happened to build a $1 million company that became a $5 million company, and so on.
Whether or not all this came to pass in an East African ditch, I wouldn't like to say. Perhaps it happened in North Africa or further west, but Africa was definitely the place.
When I left 'Downton Abbey,' it hadn't yet taken off and become the phenomenon that it is, to this day. That all happened after I left. But, it was fabulous to be a part of it and to be a part of the cast. We had an absolute ball!
When a poll is really, really out of whack with what I want to happen, I do have a tendency to disregard it.
I'm at a point where I'm ready to settle down. Every girl I meet, though, something wrong happens, and I end up getting hurt.
If you're a musician or actor, you know that if you're successful, some level of fame goes along with that. You're prepared. But how often does that happen to a programmer?
TV cookery is very like internet porn - the overwhelming majority of its audience will never ever get to act out what's happening on screen.
This erosion of the middle class is happening all over the place. The opening of a wider gap between rich and poor is always accompanied by such a process.
Just about ANY personality trait or skill can be learned: simply find it in someone you know and copy it. Then watch what happens.
Everything that Eddie has said about me is the total opposite of what really happened. Eddie says I wanted to be a solo artist. No, Eddie wanted to be a solo artist.
I think in Atlantic Canada, because of what happened in the decades following Confederation, there is a culture of defeat that we have to overcome.
Life is so much more about the experience than the destination. One will waste their life if they are waiting to reach a goal to celebrate. Still, it happens all the time.
One wonders what would happen in a society where there were no rules to break. Doubtlessly everyone would quickly die of boredom.
In ordinary detective novels you never see the consequences of what happens in a story in the next book. That you do in mine.
I don't get the point in a lot of biopics, they're boring. You know what's gonna happen. You're just watching actors show off.
You have to take your own bold approach, and if you do you will be rewarded with success. Or calamitous failure. That can happen too.
I don't do anything in order to cause trouble. It just so happens that what I do naturally causes trouble. I'm proud to be a troublemaker.
The question of afterlife disappears, when we start to recognize the fact that we did not existed before our birth and the same will happen after death.
Just let go of the need to care about whether it happens or not, then you are free from fear and can then concentrate on focusing.
'The Bone Season' is violent. There's sex. My little brother keeps asking to read it, and he's 9, so I'm like, 'No, it's not happening.'
Sure, nobody will make a fortune if we figure out why the Big Bang happened. But just about everyone would like to know.