The great thieves lead away the little thief.
No thieves, no traitors, no interventionists! This time the revolution is for real!
Honor among thieves is the ancestor of all honor.
What kind of plan B?" Hale asked. He was almost holding his breath when a voice answered, "My kind." Macey tried to read the look on his face then, but it was gone in a flash. It had been a simple moment of peace and joy and pure happiness. That voic...
Destiny is not one push, she thought as she waited to cross a quiet street on that cold Paris evening years later, but a thousand small moments that through insight and hard work you line up in the right direction, like the magnet does the metal shav...
My favorite movie ever is 'Bicycle Thieves.'
Fuck the past. This was the present.
The grandeur of the thieving falsity is larceny, the fall of cities.
Antonio Ricci: You live and you suffer.
In the film business, it's basically honor among thieves.
I will not only not steal, but I will run after thieves.
War makes thieves and peace hangs them.
Antonio Ricci: "There's a cure for everything except death."
The thought came back to him, as it often did: To save the culture of your allies is a small thing. To cherish the culture of your enemy, to risk your life and the life of other men to save it, to give it all back to them as soon as the battle was wo...
Ronan Lynch lived with every sort of secret.
Ronan's second secret was Adam Parrish.
Faith is simply whatever is real to us.
A hard soldier is a strong soldier is a living soldier.
Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.
All food eaten in anticipation of a kiss is delicious.
Mother and daughter like spoons in a drawer.