It is not your beautiful face or soft skin that kills me; it is your simplicity and being you.
A moment with God ; PoetryThe afternoon light brightening the green in her eyes, her tan skin the last memory of fall
Looking for AlaskaGIFT-WRAPPED BULLION The color of our skin does not determine the size of our heart Kamil Ali
Profound Vers-A-TalesHe was a humorist, and everyone knew the funny writers were the most serious sort under their skins.
The Paris Wifelike sunlight under their skins, they want to be loved" from the poem STAY in RidingTheEscalator
Riding the Escalator and Terra Affirmativeour feet are grape-squashed in memories our skins are still flushed from the touch of summer’s lips.
A touch, a tear, a tempest