I'm very involved in the writing on every level.
The problem we have is not Labour, in however it is configured.
Amar no es solo “querer”, es sobre todo comprender.
Officeholders are the agents of the people, not their masters.
The Republican Party is not inclusive.
Bravery is standing with the truth and right
Beware the wrath of a patient adversary.
The Assad regime is quite reliant on oil exports.
Senator Kerry was fooled by Bashar al-Assad.
Why are diplomatic cables secret at all?
You know, there are no guarantees on prognosis.
My father had gone to Vietnam.
The Republicans are coming - make nice.
It could potentially be a very competitive race.
With competition everyone has to try harder.
I don't order laws, I propose them.
This battle for global talent is so important.
Inaction may be safe, but it builds nothing.
Canada has two emblems - the beaver and the maple.
I created no authority that wasn't already there under the constitution.
[O]ne man's vulgarity is another's lyric.