I have very eclectic tastes.
To get rich is glorious.
There is no such thing as defeat in non-violence.
Personality is lower than partiality.
The essence of greatness is neglect of the self.
Iran is an anti-Semitic, terrorist government.
Most of Albania considers this Government to be legitimate.
The opera is to music what a bawdy house is to a cathedral.
Music in this film is a very important part.
All those men have their price.
Choose an author as you choose a friend.
Polygraphs have sparked a fierce debate for at least a century.
The way politics divides the world is into friend and enemy.
Language is wine upon the lips.
Why bother with fictional characters and plots when the world was full of more marvelous stories that were true, with characters so fresh, so powerful, so new, that they stepped from into the narratives under their own power?
(Taft's mother's) losing her firstborn had convinced her that children are treasures lent not given and that they may be recalled at any time. Parents, she firmly believed, could never love their children too much.
Solidarity is an attitude of resistance, I suppose, or it should be.
Attitudes are more important than facts.
What reader wants to be told what attitude to strike?
I have a political attitude, but I'm certainly not a politician.
What was past was past. I suppose that was the general attitude.