Get the facts, or the facts will get you. And when you get em, get em right, or they will get you wrong.
Two things a man should never be angry at: what he can help, and what he cannot help.
Better one's House be too little one day than too big all the Year after.
Memory is the treasure house of the mind wherein the monuments thereof are kept and preserved.
Govern thy life and thy thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one, and read the other.
Healthcare reform is a paradigmatic case. It is self-evidently necessary and inevitable and has been on the agenda for 35 years, and the political class seems completely unable to respond to it.
There is nothing to be said for being crippled. You don't see the world better or clearer, nor do you develop some special set of skills by way of compensation.
Judaism for me is a sensibility of collective self-questioning and uncomfortable truth-telling. I feel a debt of responsibility to this past. It is why I am Jewish.
Obviously a primary liberal conviction is that we should be tolerant of other peoples' convictions. But if we believe in something, we had better find ways to say so convincingly.
I think if I'm controversial it's not because I set out to be. It's because I've never felt comfortable being part of someone else's mainstream community.
For Europe to play a part in the world on the scale of its wealth and its population and its capacities, Europe has to be united in some way, and Europe is not united.
When you look at a commodities market you need hedgers and speculators. If you don't have one, you don't have a market. That's how it works.
I was very fortunate in my gene mix. The gambling instincts I inherited from my father were matched by my mother's gift for analysis.
Chief executives, who themselves own few shares of their companies, have no more feeling for the average stockholder than they do for baboons in Africa.
To me, emails are a little bit frustrating. I think that the telephone is much preferred because you get the sound of the voice and the interest and everything else you can't see in an email.
It is notoriously true that the public mind is seriously agitated with apprehensions of negroes insurrections and that it is becoming more and more so.
Ca să ai o societate motivată, trebuie să ai oameni motivați, iar pe oameni începi să-i motivezi încă din școală. Mai târziu va fi mai greu, deși nu imposibil.
It's tough to be a 15- or 16-year-old athlete competing around the country. There's tension, there's media. I had no idea what I was getting into.
A neurotic can perfectly well be a literary genius, but his greatest danger is always that he will not recognize when he is dull.
I am not going to say much about the film 'Maidentrip,' but I won't be representing it, as I am not fully standing behind it.
I follow my own head. And if I'm determined to do something, then I'll make sure that I make it happen.