If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.
Cruelty to men and to the lower animals as well, which would have passed unnoticed a century ago, now shocks the sensibilities and is regarded as wicked and degrading.
Through the Young Men's Christian Association and principally in Australia and North America, as well as in South America, I came into contact with families of these countries.
If evil is inevitable, how are the wicked accountable? Nay, why do we call men wicked at all? Evil is inevitable, but is also remediable.
The fact is that I find more most men are more open, more generous, and much more stimulating than the majority of females I know.
I am a black man inside and outside and you are white men on the outside, but inside, you are Africans like me.
All men whilst they are awake are in one common world: but each of them, when he is asleep, is in a world of his own.
The dangers which threaten us are twofold: First, from the Confederate forces, composed of men whose earnest convictions and reckless bravery it is idle to deny.
You know what's strange? A lot of men don't dream in color. Women will dream in color more than men.
Men of routine or men who can do what they are told are not hard to find; but men who can think and plan and tell the routine men what to do are very rare.
So sometime the expectation of the female by a high expectation. Because peoples think that female were weak in term of, like, of the physically and compared to the men.
The punishment of shaving a woman's head had biblical origins. In Europe, the practice dated back to the Dark Ages with the Visigoths.
I expect the worst both from reviewers and sales and then, with any luck, I may be proved wrong.
I hate the only one of my book jackets when I was made up professionally, my hair made into a smooth bell.
In any event, colonization and the grant of lands were provincial matters.
The man of the house can destroy the pleasure of the household, but he cannot make it. That rests with the woman, and it is her greatest privilege.
Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago.
A complete life may be one ending in so full identification with the non-self that there is no self to die.
Barack Obama and I have an honest disagreement on the issue of abortion.
The Secret Service once watched for people who fit the popular profile of dangerousness: the lunatic, the loner, the threatener, the hater.
A 'Globe' examination found that Boston police officers exercise broad discretion when deciding whether to issue a ticket.