Most of my songs are about insensitivity of some kind.
The saddest songs are written when a person is happy.
The people in my songs are all me.
'Prima Donna' is my kind of love song to opera but it's not the full experience.
Dad really had little to do with the songs, except to perform them.
When my dad died a lot of songs came, and they're still coming.
I have to write 100 songs before you write the first good one.
I've written a few songs that have to do with being in a relationship, the bad and the good.
If my life was a song the title would be 'Naima'.
I can't write songs unless I am in love.
I don't know if my songs fit in films.
I won't deny a song or a melody. I can't deny it.
My mother features quite heavily in a lot of my songs.
When a song comes to you, you can't run around it.
I sing the songs that people need to hear.
I don't sit down to write a song, per se.
I'd sometimes do 50, 60 takes of song.
Writing songs is a trade like anything else.
I just play the guitar and write songs.
I don't have time to stand around and listen to an 11-minute song.
I didn't write songs for a very long time.