Ideas won't keep; something must be done about them.
I like the way remixes sound. Some of them are really creative.
Normally, we do not so much look at things as overlook them.
Problems emerge and some people try to sweep them under the rug.
That's why ears have cartilage, to keep them from flapping.
Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them.
You know, often films that are deemed positive, nobody wants to see them.
It's a positive thing to talk about terrible things and make people laugh about them.
Nobody is as powerful as we make them out to be.
The U.S. embargo imposed on Nicaragua, rather than weakening the Sandinistas, actually maintained them in power.
The public gets not one penny from them in return for those airwaves.
A lot of young people have all these aspirations but many of them don't believe they're possible.
I think families find a dynamic that works for them.
My children are 10 and three, and the longing and the need for them is incredibly powerful.
It is our tendency to look at people as opposed to looking into them.
Unpredictable moments can change your life if you're ready for them... I'm ready
Work, he tells them one night, is a kind of prayer.
My problem was that no one ever needed me as much as I needed them.
The surest way to a child's heart is to spend time with them.
People inspire you, or they drain you. PICK THEM WISELY.
One cannot live on dreams, but neither can one live without them.