Children need to trust and depend upon those who are responsible for them.
We are punished by our sins, not for them.
I don't have a religion, but I respect them.
The entire value of a person is subjective to your relationship with them.
I'm waiting for them to make 'Thundercats'. I would love to be Cheetara.
When you love someone, you treat them well.
One finds limits by pushing them.
Men are disturbed not by things, but by the view which they take of them.
You just have to forgive them for being men.
If you don't like my movies, don't watch them.
You don't forget the movies, but you forget the details of them.
My days are whatever I want them to be.
I hate celebrities. I really hate them.
My only interest in women's clothes is what's underneath them.
To generalize on women is dangerous. To specialize on them is infinitely worse.
To make pictures big is to make them more powerful.
History is we, not them.
My fans are the best; I love hanging with them.
Sometimes in television, if there are storylines that are oft-told, people can be hypercritical of them.
The pictures are there, and you just take them.
Don't fight forces, use them.