He who is sick will not refuse medicine.
The god who made the mouth will provide the food.
The thief who isn't caught is an honest salesman.
All are not cooks who walk with long knives.
He who is destined for the gallows will not be drowned.
No one is hanged who has money in his pocket.
The future is for those who know how to wait.
He who eats alone chokes alone.
None of us knows who we are.
Who is forced to go to church will not pray.
A fool is someone who trusts another fool.
He who forgives a thief is a thief himself.
He who helps everybody, helps nobody.
He who inherits a hill must climb it.
He who talks to a mule is one himself.
It rains sorrow on him who is already wet.
The oaths of one who loves a woman are not to be believed.
The one who rings the fire bell is safe.
Who has a trade may go anywhere.
It is always the fat ones who lead the dance.
He who loves the truth has many enemies.