I've said this before, but people love you for so many reasons. Some love you only for what you do for them. Some love you for how much money you spend. Some love you for your possessions. By now, we should know that isn't love, but merely infatuatio...
People love for so many different reasons. Some love you for only what you can do for them. Others love you for how much money you have or various material things. Love is sometimes tossed around like throwing a bone to a dog. And, some people have l...
Our love of lockstep is our greatest curse, the source of all that bedevils us. It is the source of homophobia, xenophobia, racism, sexism, terrorism, bigotry of every variety and hue, because it tells us there is one right way to do things, to look,...
My type has a romantic soul. He'll make my heart and my brain fight over who gets him first. He does what's right, even when it's not easy - actually, especially when it's not easy. He knows the value of discipline, education, honor, and restraint. A...
Losing your parent at a tender age is like losing everything thing. The love, care, support and what have you. It only takes determination, strong will and the love, care and support from others to make a difference in the lives of these ones as they...
Poetry is a will to put things right, an imaginary solution, a way of avoiding a catastrophe that already happened. Poetry is an escape, perhaps intelligent, perhaps idiotic, from a senile situation. It is a dialectical movement, it keeps tearing ope...
Merciful Father.... I have squandered my days with plans of many things. This was not among them. But at this moment, I beg only, to live the next few minutes well. For all we ought to have thought and have not thought... All we ought to have said an...
I never would have conceived that he would finally succumb to marriage. How did you ever convince him?” “I must actually credit Lady Russell. She explained to me that a man desires above all things to think himself his own master. Thus, I had onl...
For the taking of revenge, a man locks himself up alone and thinks. His stomach must be empty for his head to be full. Vengeance comes a little from the heart and a lot from the mind; one must take oneself apart from the noise of men and of things, e...
Every little girl wants a prince, a prince who only has eyes for her...but who are we kidding...there's no such thing as fairytales. Don't get me wrong...the world is full of dragons and damsels...just not every one of them goes on to live "happily-e...
Keisha Blake, whose celebrated will and focus did not leave her much room for angst, watched her friend ascend to the top deck in her new panda-eyed makeup and had a mauvais quart d'heure, wondering whether she herself had any personality at all or w...
Change is the only constant. Hanging on is the only sin.
For me, there is only love and fear.
But the God of the Bible is not only One, but the only possible One.
The only rule is there's only one rule: no rules.
The only time I have problems is when I sleep.
Ultimately, words are only words, and its only the music that stands by itself.
If we reward our children for doing the right things, or discipline for intentionally doing the wrong things, then we might be viewed as doing the right thing. On the other hand, we (or parents) might not fully grasp the right thing—as the “right...
From small beginnings come great things.
To change and change for the better are two different things
To change and to change for the better are two different things.