It takes a great deal of history to produce a little literature.
I've never been nostalgic, personally or politically - if the past was so great, how come it's history?
Thanks to the Tour de France, riding the Champs-Elysees has a great cycling history.
Consider the bloody history of Europe: there was a great aspiration for high culture, yet this very same culture was shaped by brutality and barbarism.
Once you get into this great stream of history, you can't get out.
There is little for the great part of the history of the world except the bitter tears of pity and the hot tears of wrath.
Good history is a question of survival. Without any past, we will deprive ourselves of the defining impression of our being.
My argument is that War makes rattling good history; but Peace is poor reading.
Cooking and gardening involve so many disciplines: math, chemistry, reading, history.
History has shown that Big Government expands quickest in the immediate aftermath of a crisis - real or manufactured.
The funny thing about history is that we imagine that people didn't laugh in the old days, but of course they did, at stupid things.
we can not change history, we can not turn back time, but we can change ourselves,change for the better.
History has never been fair to the Armenians and it is too late to start being so now
Ours was a history of well intentioned beginnings that end with a fight at every turn.
No one makes history, no one sees it happen, no one sees the grass grow.
History proves there is no better advertisement for a book than to condemn it for obscenity.
It is worth starting with visions, though, because they establish hopes and fears. History then determines which prevail.
Pasha: [to Yuri] The personal life is dead in Russia. History has killed it.
One of the greatest tragedies in mankind's entire history may be that morality was hijacked by religion.
True, I have raped history, but it has produced some beautiful offspring.
Clio, the muse of history, is as thoroughly infected with lies as a street whore with syphilis.