For me, one thing I love is having an arc for a character.
I love songs. Songs are my favorite things.
What a grand thing, to be loved! What a grander thing still, to love!
It's a wonderful thing to be able to see your music going from generation to generation.
Music is the only thing I've ever known that doesn't have any rules at all.
The most important thing is that you like the music.
But I'm also a music lover, and I'll always try a lot of different things.
Kylie Minogue is the greatest thing that has happened to Australian music.
The one thing my mom will let me get is a nice shoe sometimes.
The hardest thing for me is planning ahead. My mom was brilliant at it.
I think marriage is a beautiful thing. I'm still a supporter of it.
If I've learned one thing, it's 'don't tell the truth.' Lies keep you together.
Looking at beautiful things is what makes me the happiest.
Good thing I'm aging, otherwise I'd be dead.
We don't see things how they are, we see things the way we are.
The hard thing for me is to say no to people.
If pain in the mind, then the most dangerous thing is it.
Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious.
There are no such things as incurable, there are only things for which man has not found a cure.
The hardest thing about being on the road is not being with my animals.
One of the beautiful things about podcasting is that I'm not beholding to some public entity.