The American people deserve long-term, forward-thinking policies.
Critics claim to see no evidence of CIA’s new policy of transparency. Well duh.
You may succeed in your policy and ensure your own damnation, by your victory.
Besides a happy policy as to civil government, it is necessary to institute a system of law and jurisprudence founded in justice, equity, and public right.
After 20 years in Congress, I still believe that smaller government and lower taxes are the most effective economic policies.
An intellectual may be interested in ideas and policies for their own sake, but a politician's interest is exclusively in the question of whether an idea's time has come.
It's time to bring tough medicine to Washington. No longer will policy be set by K Street, it will be dictated by Main Street.
Policy makers still think that if we just hand out more money the world's problems will be solved.
You may gain temporary appeasement by a policy of concession to violence, but you do not gain lasting peace that way.
It was in our power to cause the Arab governments to renounce the policy of strength toward Israel by turning it into a demonstration of weakness.
I have so much respect for policy makers and diplomats, but I could never be a politician because of the way they dress!
I'm not apologetic with respect to the policies of the Bush administration. I think we basically got it right.
We respect opposition to any position or policy. But we believe that the opinion that should prevail and be respected is that of the majority.
No one's interested really in knowing what policies or diplomatic initiatives or arms negotiations might have been compromised by me.
The United States has got to adopt a policy of befriending and creating allies around the world.
I'm pleased to offer analysis of public policy and politics to the millions of Americans who get their news from Fox.
I can't let important policy decisions hinge on the fact that an election is coming up every 90 days.
All company bosses want a policy on corporate social responsibility. The positive effect is hard to quantify, but the negative consequences of a disaster are enormous.
As discomfiting as it is to both market optimists and policy activists, a certain amount of instability is inherent to the economy.
The reason why I'm a conservative is because conservative policies work and they improve opportunities. They are the avenue for climbing the economic dream.
For Gore 2000, I was a formal campaign adviser: contrary to RNC mythology, my brief was not 'wardrobe,' but rather policy on women's issues, and messaging. I was also married to a Clinton speechwriter, and observed the message decision-making process...