The London Library in Piccadilly is the best place for a sleep.
The splinter in your eye is the best magnifying-glass.
I'm not exactly the best capitalist ever.
The Beatles did everything first, and they did it the best.
I do my best creating on stage.
Research is the best revenge.
Study is the best revenge.
The best boyfriends are the ones in books.
Good or bad, everything we do is our best choice at that moment.
Money is the best rule of commerce.
Gorgeous hair is the best revenge.
I really want be of great value for the team.
Writing is the best anti-depressant.
Simplicity is the best wisdom.
I don't want to be all power and muscle.
The BEST revenge is to be fabulous.
Democracy is the best revenge.
In art the best is good enough.
Happiness is the best revenge
A responsive audience is the best encouragement an actor can have.
Being on TV is kind of the best job in the world.