I really do think that dreaming and fantasies are very important to the human psyche and the soul. That's why I want to act.
Unraveling the euro is a terrible thing. This is a 50-year endeavor to get this continent together and that's a wonderful endeavor.
I want to keep an element of myself in every character I play. And maybe that's connected to finding something that you like in every character. Maybe they coincide.
If you think you've already made it, that's when you can fall short and go backwards. I'm constantly pushing forward and chasing the element of perfection.
Shirley Maclaine once said that she didn't want to be a big star, just a long star. That's what I want too.
There's a lot of America that's Christian. I would not describe us, though, on the whole, as a Christian nation.
The difference between humans and Neanderthals is .004 percent of gene code. That's how big the difference is, one species to another.
I always wanted to be the outlaw. And that's to a certain extent how I've lived.
In New York, there are so many potholes, they're like craters on the moon. That's another traffic thing.
Sometimes you're not ready to give the world quite what it wants. And that's okay, because the Earth is generously patient.
If we descended from space aliens, that's just as viable as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, as far as I'm concerned.
I'm not into 'Let's go out with one guy on a Monday and another guy on a Wednesday' - that's just not me.
I actually own a copy of my own book; that's how dedicated I am as an author.
Someone is going to win and someone is going to lose. That's also what happens in almost every movie - someone is going to win and someone is going to lose.
I know my brother. Michael, he's not that kind of person. He doesn't do that. That's all a lie on him.
A lot of the stuff that I do with Betty is in the eyes. A lot of the feelings that I evoke with her are unspoken, so that's been fun to play with.
Obamacare is bureaucrats getting between you and your doctor, and that's what Americans most dislike about this legislation.
Fundamental rule in your life, is to know what your deserve in life and getting what you deserve. That's winning always.
I've seen schizophrenics who are so hopeless, you couldn't cheer them, and their lives are miserable and they end up as suicides. That's not right.
I wasn't planning on being a comedian; I just liked to laugh. Somebody said I should do it and that's how I started.
I do get obsessed with constantly thinking of ideas, all day long, but that's just how it is.