Gilbert: [to Becky] I don't know what to say. Arnie: Say "thank you," Gilbert. "Thank you." Gilbert: [whispering] Thank you.
Think global; Think big! Think of planting a seed for unborn generations to taste; Think of making a shade that will provide comfort to others. If what you enjoy now appeals to you, thank God for the life of those who made it happen. However, the goo...
When you help people, don't wait around to hear them say, "Thank you." A lot of times we do good things, but in the back of our mind we're hoping to get some appreciation. But if you make your intentions pure, and you expect only from Allah, He will ...
McConnely: There's Man's Law and there's God's Law in this neighborhood. Harvey Milk: Uh huh. McConnely: And in this city. Scott Smith: You know, we pay taxes! McConnely: The San Francisco Police Force is happy to enforce either. Have a good day. [le...
Vizzini: Finish him. Finish him, your way. Fezzik: Oh good, my way. Thank you Vizzini... what's my way? Vizzini: Pick up one of those rocks, get behind a boulder, in a few minutes the man in black will come running around the bend, the minute his hea...
Adm. Randolph: Try one of these Jamaican cigars, Ambassador. They're pretty good. Ambassador de Sadesky: Thank you, no. I do not support the work of imperialist stooges. Adm. Randolph: Oh, only commie stooges, huh?
Major John Smith: Now, General Carnaby, perhaps you'll be good enough to give us your real name, rank and serial number. [shoots the chair] Gen. George Carnaby: [long pause, then] Cartwright Jones, Corporal, U.S. Army RA 123-025-3964. Major John Smit...
[still discussing how David can kill himself in order to lift the curse] Harry Berman: A gun is good. Judith Browns: You just put the gun to your forehead and pull the trigger. Gerald Bringsley: If you put it in your mouth, then you'd be sure not to ...
Ken: Your girlfriend's very pretty. Jimmy: She's ain't my girlfriend. She's a prostitute I just picked up. Ken: I was not aware that there were any prostitutes in Bruges. Jimmy: You just have to look in the right places... brothels are good. Ken: Wel...
Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.
There was no instruction to be thankful that the Christians were special people, chosen people. There was no nationalistic, political or ethnic superiority to be thankful for.
I have lived pain, and my life can tell: I only deepen the wound of the world when I neglect to give thanks the heavy perfume of wild roses in early July and the song of crickets on summer humid nights and the rivers that run and the stars that rise ...
Be thankful for your achievements; be thankful for your accomplishments, no matter how big or small. Be thankful for the mind to complete the accomplishments. Be thankful for your past, present, and future. And know that if you are creating success s...
We ain't what we want to be; we ain't what we gonna be; but thank God, we ain't what we was.
How my eyes see, perspective, is my key to enter into His gates. I can only do so with thanksgiving. If my inner eye has God seeping up through all things, then can't I give thanks for anything? And if I can give thanks for the good things, the hard ...
[last lines] Bettina Peterson: You look lost. Chuck Noland: I do? Bettina Peterson: Where're you headed? Chuck Noland: Well, I was just about to figure that out. Bettina Peterson: Well, that's 83 South. And this road here will hook you up with I-40 E...
If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get.
Saying thanks to the world, and acknowledging your own accomplishments, is a great way to feel good and stay positive.
Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual...
Eduard Delacroix: [after Coffey shares his cornbread with Del] I thank you. Mr. Jingles thank you, my mom would thank you too but she's dead.
The social phenomenon of economic growth is, thanks to the principle of the conservation of matter, nothing other than the physical phenomenon of increasing resource depletion.