If you don't truly believe in Jesus Christ, fear will be your worst enemy at the End of the Age. The gift of the Holy Spirit is the gift of no fear. John 14:1-4.
If you do not believe you are a lost sheep, then you do not need a Savior who is the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ. John 10:11-14.
If Jesus has to do it all over again, there will be more people shouting "Crucify him".You are not here to make the world a better place. Mark 15:13
You know the Holy Spirit lives in you when you can defend the Holy Bible without fear or intimidation. John 14:1.
We must carefully examine our relationship with Jesus Christ before we make any attempts to introduce him to strangers. Matthew 7:21-23
After one of the lectures in Philadelphia, a woman asked Chesterton what made women talk so much, to which he replied, briefly, 'God, Madam'.
What sets Salvation apart from everything else in the world is the Biblical truth that Satan cannot touch your soul because he doesn't know your PIN.
I must have been chosen because I know it all from beginning to end. I am certainly not the story itself. I am only the grass that tattles on the wind.
I've heard it said that God is in the details. It's the same with the truth. Leave out the details, the crucial heart, and you can damn someone with the bare bones of it.
While it is good that we seek to know the Holy One, it is probably not so good to presume that we ever complete the task.
Police are inevitably corrupted. ... Police always observe that criminals prosper. It takes a pretty dull policeman to miss the fact that the position of authority is the most prosperous criminal position available.
The purpose of each incarnation is the transformation \ spiritual development of the individual. To the extent our day-to-day activities become harmonious with this purpose, that much peace and happiness we can experience
Many do not have the courage to face the truth of life and instead dwell upon some delusions to escape it. Any such escapism is a major hurdle in spiritual development.
We become a master of something only when we know the truth of it. Similarly, when we know the truth of our soul and the oneness of the Universe then we are a Master of Life.
Spiritual Laws ensures that every entity will be at the exact place where it has earned the right to be, by all its previous thoughts, words and actions, including those of the previous lives.
We have the free will to choose how we react to those stimuli every moment of our life and what we choose creates our destiny.
To 'choose' dogma and faith over doubt and experience is to throw out the ripening vintage and to reach greedily for the Kool-Aid.
it is interesting to find that people of faith now seek defensively to say that they are no worse than fascists or Nazis or Stalinists
How much vanity must be concealed – not too effectively at that – in order to pretend that one is the personal object of a divine plan?
By God, I may be old-fashioned in my ideas, but women run around too much these days to suit me. They meet all kinds of crazy fish.
No, no, I'm not one of them. I'm one of you. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, but I also wear fishnet stockings and drink single malt Scotch.