With God, there is no such thing as a lost cause.
The gods are watching, but idly, yawning.
Where no gods are, spectres rule.
God Made Nature, Nature Need Friends.
Find yourself!!! You will find God...
God withholds Himself from no one who perseveres.
Your smile is a gift of the gods.
Time is the best work of God.
Time is a code and its password is in the mind of God.
Nothing is impossible with God.
The breath of life is divine grace of God.
Light of life. The power of life God is life.
God can answer every need.
May the gods ignore you.
There's no God higher than truth.
It is time at last for all the gods to be silent.
Religion is based on the idea that God is an imbecile.
The daughters of God don't brake for jerks.
I like to believe that we all pray to the same god.
We say the name of God, but that is only habit.
I think often that God is guiding me.