If you life is an example of glorifying God, others won't see your good works and glorify YOU, because they'll know what you are doing is for God's glory.
All communication involves faith; indeed, some linguisticians hold that the potential obstacles to acts of verbal understanding are so many and diverse that it is a minor miracle that they take place at all.
They served "Good Food" but only a G, an O and a D were lit up. Personally, I doubted God dined there. Unless God was keen on samonella poisoning and rat droppings in the hamburgers. But then again, what did I know?
Marriage doesn't put an end to one's ability to serve God and bring him glory. In fact, I've seen many married couples who have done more for God together than was possible as individuals.
If the universe does consist of a battle between the devil and God, the final analysis should conclude that religion would have been the devil’s most brilliant move and science, God’s.
Where darkness had once overshadowed many of us, the radiant light of Christ exposed the truth that not one of us is truly ever alone.
Your desire and willingness will call forth witnesses to Awakening, and there is nothing in form that can speed up Awakening – for form but witnesses to the desire within.
I've seen too much sacrifice to believe that God is behind all of it, and I've seen sacrifice that has no indicia of the hand of God at all. Loss is not always part of some greater plan explainable by reference to the actions of a divine being with a...
The line of communication between God and man is always open unless broken by man himself. We are, as it were, always in the presence of our Father in Heaven. Through His Holy Spirit, God is with us always and everywhere.
You are someone who is different, but who wants to be the same as everyone else. And that in my view is a serious illness. God chose you to be different. Why are you disappointing God with this kind of attitude?
Either you're a person wondering if you have a soul, or you're a soul who knows that being a person isn't real.
The Spirit, and your soul are not the same things. The Spirit is God - the source. Your soul is God's imagination.
So the gods,” Moash said, nursing his own drink, “were pleased that you solved problems on your own . . . by going to other gods and begging them for help instead?” “Hush,” Rock said. “Is good story.
Shut up, Arthur,' said my mother, and he zipped his mouth shut like an infuriating child. Ginger started to laugh. Not at anything in particular, but just because Ginger was stoned.
If God were not only to hear our prayers, as he does ever and always, but to answer them as we want them answered, he would not be God our Saviour but the ministering genius of our destruction.
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please other people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of God. (Gal. 1:10)
Deep down in all of us there is a tendency to want to prove ourselves, to base our worth on what we do.
I know that when I read the Bible, my life is transformed. I think differently. I act differently. I talk differently.
When the mouth cries, I want to see God, the heart has reached its finest moment. Once we have sought and seen God, all other things have a way of finding us.
So many people would like to have guidance from God because obviously, if you have a word from God, it's the best possible thing. But they don't relate that to life as a whole. Often they want guidance as a way of opting out of the responsibility of ...
Progress is born of doubt and inquiry. The Church never doubts, never inquires. To doubt is heresy, to inquire is to admit that you do not know—the Church does neither.