oh God! what am I to do if I love nothing but fame and men's esteem?
I never wanted to be a God fearing person. I wanted to grow up and be a person that was fearless for God. There was a difference.
If you’re treating people poorly then you're not emulating God’s love. God always resides with the broken hearted.
For youth, sexual love is whim; for the aged, luxury.
It is at Easter that Jesus is most human, and like all humans, he fails and is failed. His is not an all-powerful God, it is an all-vulnerable God.
If you are teaching Muslim sixth formers in a school, and you tell them they can't have their God and Darwin, there is a risk they will choose their God and be lost to science.
And because his Spirit was wholly God, he is called God, and he is called man on account of his flesh.
No doubt it is true that science cannot study God, but it hardly follows that God had to keep a safe distance from everything that scientists want to study.
I've had to come to grips with a God that fits my own experience, which is, my God could not be offering protection and not have protected my boy.
God's forgiveness allows us to be honest with ourselves. We recognize our imperfections, admit our failures, and plead to God for clemency.
Why do people embrace God? In my opinion, belief in God and an afterlife is a necessary extension of man's need to feel that this life does not end with what we call death.
For me, prayer is not so much me setting out a shopping list of requests for God to consider as it is a way of 'keeping company with God.'
We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.
It's hard to say, 'I don't believe in God.' I would love to know if God exists. But it's a very difficult thing for me to believe.
Man's idea of God, and a God's collusion, is an essential part of the equation to wage war.
If God only used perfect people, nothing would get done. God will use anybody if you're available.
Look out into the universe and contemplate the glory of God. Observe the stars, millions of them, twinkling in the night sky, all with a message of unity, part of the very nature of God.
I don't doubt that God can bring good out of tragedies, but the Bible is clear that God is not the author of evil!
The Bible is plain that God requires moral perfection. It tells us unambiguously that God is holy and therefore cannot tolerate any hint of unholiness.
The problem with God is that we want him to reveal Himself, and He doesn't. We will never understand God.
To me, I think it's this thing of everyone wanting to make Jesus the Son of God and Jesus the only way to God that is the thing that no longer makes me want to be a Christian.