Virginia Woolf came along in the early part of the century and essentially said through her writing, yes, big books can be written about the traditional big subjects. There is war. There is the search for God. These are all very important things.
Alcohol doesn't console, it doesn't fill up anyone's psychological gaps, all it replaces is the lack of God. It doesn't comfort man. On the contrary, it encourages him in his folly, it transports him to the supreme regions where he is master of his o...
Man goes far away or near but God never goes far-off; he is always standing close at hand, and even if he cannot stay within he goes no further than the door.
It's like going into the Senate. You know, the first time you get there, you're all excited, 'My God, how did I ever get here?' Then, about six months later, you say, 'How the hell did the rest of them get here?'
I think I just learned that God has a plan for all of us, and I work hard and do all the things I can, but at the same time, His will is perfect; and me trying to control it, it's not going to work.
I'm not a reckless person, in the sense that I wouldn't do something that's reckless or dangerous, because I'm a pretty careful person. For example, I don't snow ski. I did it once, and I promised God I'd never do it again if I lived through it.
God knows and sees all. His wisdom and knowledge far outweighs mankind, and whether or not people ever recognize it - He is the creator. He is the giver of life, and only He has the power to take it away. That's why its imperative to submit to Him.
I just want to do God's will. And he's allowed me to go to the mountain. And I've looked over, and I've seen the promised land! I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land.
Others can challenge and motivate us, but we must reach down deep into our souls and call forth our God-given intelligence and capabilities. We cannot do this when we depend on the efforts of someone else.
The only person who could succeed in dethroning you from the throne that God has placed you on, is nobody else but you. So, sit comfortably with a mind full of positive thoughts and beliefs, and dare not to ever betray yourself.
All the help that we need to succeed in life lies in God's hands. Luckily for us, He is the only Man that never disappoints. However, you must do your best to not disappoint yourself on your own part.
We are the royal children of God, and He is always busy doing what He knows is best for us. But we must ensure that our frequent thoughts and beliefs aren't going against our true destiny.
No matter what it is that you are going through in life at the moment, stay strong and positive with your daily thoughts. Leave everything else that is beyond your power in God's hand, and then relax and watch time heal your wounds.
I always wake up in morning with a big smile of gratitude on my face. 'Why is that?' Well, every single day to me is a great opportunity to push myself closer to the bigger picture that God has painted for me.
As long as you continue to stay true to yourself and consistent with your goals and dreams, nothing would ever succeed in stopping you from sitting on the table of abundant success and happiness that God has prepared for you.
Your journey to the pinnacle of your destiny isn't over until God says so. Therefore, never allow your circumstances to resurrect fears or doubts in your mind, and force you into betraying yourself by giving up..
As long as you are still breathing, your dreams are far from being impossible. Find a way to persistently put in your very best, and then watch God perform His miracles; which He is always capable of.
Even though that God didn't bring you on earth to turn you into a failure, He still expects you to always do your best before He can do the rest for you.
You are as special and important as everyone else that walks on the face of the earth. We were all created by the same Almighty Goad. So be proud of who God has uniquely created you to be. You are very special in His eyes.
No matter how great my strategy is and how hard I work to accompish a task, I always give God the glory because I am fully aware that nothing is possible without His heavenly grace.
Some people will always talk no matter what you do or say; so you might as well do whatever pleases God and your positive inner-self and live happily thereafter.