Nothing looks more like an honest man than a villain.
The monkey says there is nothing better than poverty to unlearn man of his conceit.
A ripe pear is more likely to fall in the shit than onto the clean ground.
An old error is always more popular than a new truth.
Until your fortieth it is better to eat than to drink; afterwards it is vice versa.
A sword in the hands of a drunken slave is less dangerous than science in the hands of the unscrupulous.
One night of anarchy does more harm than a hundred years of tyranny.
Better one day a man than ten days a woman.
It is easier to make a camel jump a ditch than to make a fool listen to reason.
One good word puts out the flames better than a bucket of water.
You would do better to sit on a powder keg than on the knee of a woman.
One coin in the money-box makes more noise than when it is full.
A thread will tie an honest man better than a chain a rogue.
Better visit hell in your lifetime than after you're dead.
Better to go to bed hungry than to wake up in debt.
Better to sit all night than to go to bed with a dragon.
Where you were born is less important than how you live.
Giving just a crumb to the hungry is worth more than giving lunch to the satisfied.
Eggs may be smarter than the chickens, but it doesn't take long for them to stink.
if you truly want to know why I'm helping you, you won't get any easy answers. It's not because I believe in the goodness of humankind. It's not because I believe God and the rest of the monsters are evil. I only wish to have the capacity to change. ...
We come together, we create our families, we chose our mates out of the desire to form a life together. Love takes many forms, wears many faces, but when it's real, when it touches your heart, you will know it and--with hope--embrace it. Love is stro...