Greater qualities are needed to baer good fortune than bad.
None are more haughty than a common place person raised to power.
Nothing resembles an honest man more than a cheat.
One catches more flies with a spoonful of honey than with twenty casks of vinegar.
To enjoy life is worth so much more than it costs.
Better to have a diamond with a few small flaws than a rock that is perfect.
It's better to pick a fight with your in-laws than with your neighbors.
The pleasure of finding something is worth more than what you find.
A cask of wine works more miracles than a church full of saints.
Do not prophesy to the man who can see further than you can.
Smoke in your own country is purer than fire in a foreign land.
A donkey that carries me is worth more than a horse that kicks me.
Never marry a woman who has bigger feet than you.
A man profits more by the sight of an idiot than by the orations of the learned.
It is better to have bread left over than to run short of wine.
A piece of bread in your pocket is better than a feather in your hat.
It is easier to beat two devils into a child, than one devil out.
Better your enemy who you recognize than a dark friend.
Better ten times ill than one time dead.
It is better to be in hell with a wise man than in heaven with an idiot.
One old friend is better than two new ones.