Happier than a bird with a french fry.
Lonely was much better than alone.
Property damage is so much easier to live with than murder.
Books are more to treasure than cars.
Time is much more valuable than money.
Nothing’s worse than a story without an end.
Better a soulless clone... than a souled roach.
Negative attitude is nine times more powerful than positive attitude.
A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.
An American orchestra doesn't want to play more than it has to. I respectfully disagree with that attitude.
For the moment I prefer to be a beautiful woman of my age than try desperately to look 30.
I spent more time at the library than anyone my age when I was a kid.
Childhood itself is scarcely more lovely than a cheerful, kindly, sunshiny old age.
Though women begin their lives more fulfilled than men, as they age, they gradually become less happy. Men, in contrast, get happier as they get older.
Some of your teachers are actually closer in age to you than you think.
By the age of fifty, you have made yourself what you are, and if it is good, it is better than your youth.
Middle age snuffs out more talent than ever wars or sudden deaths do.
It is easier to win than to fail. Everybody sides with the winner. But the failure walks alone.
Adultery is the ultimate deal-breaker for me. I would rather be alone than in a relationship that doesn't honor me.
Our country will, I believe, sooner forgive an officer for attacking an enemy than for letting it alone.
There have been more books alone written about Hamlet than have been written about the Bible.